Saturday, May 16, 2009

Vent your anger here!

I feel that I have had some of the worst in the past and every now and then I get frustrated with my current co-worker and my current boss. I'd love any ones feed back on what I write here. Let me know if you feel I have a legitimate complaint or am I just being a baby!
Now I'm going to gear up to write something about a past job I had. The employment there was horrendous. And a certain Co-worker made my life hell everyday.


  1. I know what you mean. I have had some of the worst bosses ever. I've hated jobs so bad that I would literally cry when my alarm went off in the morning. It was like torture making myself get ready to go to work.

  2. My coworkers pride themselves on being.catty.and mean.... which I think is ridiculous. On top of that they all think of themselves as hilarious and interesting so they act like obnoxious 12 year olds and are always loud and joking around in a junior high fashion.
    in addition to that they act superior towards me and constantly patronize me. The 2 females I work with are besties and basically team up against me.
    I come in to work to do my job welland earn a paycheck.
    they get the job done as well but they are pure misery for me to be around. I know that decent people exist I just have such rare occurrence s to have them as coworkers.
    Everyone is so fake and obviously trying to feel better about themselves by making someone else feel worse. It just seems demonic

    When I lived in california
    I had a a healthfood store and was amazed at the percentage of human decency in comparison to where I grew up and its sad how awful people here are.
    I hate it.
    I work in a hospital.with asshxxxs and or morons. I cant decide if I should cry or bang my head in a.wall.
